Case Studies

Looking after all brands
Michaela Halm-Egan
Call Centre & Training Manager
What is your role at iGO4?
I am the Call Centre and Training Manager at iGO4.
How long have you worked at iGO4 and what did you do before you worked here?
I have been working for iGO4 now for 15 years, before that I worked as a Team Manager at InkFish in Brighton.
What are you most proud of accomplishing while working here?
That is a tough question. I am very passionate about our customer and staff journey during their time with iGO4, so anything that focusses on improving either gets me excited. One of the things I can say I am really proud of was developing a template that structures that suggests how we should deal with our customers at iGO4, which goes hand in hand with a training programme that is looking at how we can keep coaching alive within the Call Centre environment, driving engagement and performance. The journey continues!
What does a typical day look like?
My day starts usually with my 8-year-old waking up early, ouch! After getting said child to school, I get started on work, with the company of my trusted dog. My day consists of catching up with my team, helping to resolve issues and look at how we can make improvements that will help either employees or customers. After work I spend time with my family, until it is time for bed!
Describe your team in 3 words
Passionate, approachable and great.
Tell us about your photo and why you chose it?
This photo was taken a while ago and shows my family in a restaurant on a random Friday. When my husband and I met many years ago, we started a “Friday Night – Dinner out” tradition, whereby we head out for dinner every Friday. We have upheld that tradition ever since, now including my beautiful daughter. We had to get creative during times we couldn’t go out, but I wouldn’t change Friday Nights with my family for anything.
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